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Winter League 2022/2023 (Individual Anglers)

Individual Winter League 2022/23


So today was the last one of the 14 matches of the Meadow Farm Cottages Winter series singles.

27 anglers participated in the winter series where they had 14 matches to fish and take their best 10 scores allowing 4 dropped matches.

Unfortunately we did lose one match due to frozen lakes but other than that it has fished well all the way through.

We have seen some fantastic winter weights and a close series throughout.


But there has to be an overall winner, and with an impressive 13 points Lee Coomber took the honours and picked up 1st place and a nice winners payout.


2nd went to Ian Boden on 18 points who was chasing Lee all the way.

Ian also helped out to run the series, big thanks Ian.


3rd, 4th and 5th all came in on 21 points so overall weight played a part here:

3rd Stu Thornton

4th Paul Ready

5th Scott Webster

Well done to all who participated especially the overall top 5 who all picked up prize money


Individual Winter League 2022/23


Meadow farm cottages open match and last of the winter series.

28 anglers booked in including 21 of the series anglers all looking to maximise on their points and get into that top 5.

It was definitely a colder day and the water temperature is still below 7 degrees, but once again the fish were still on the feed and the bites were coming from everywhere.

Close matches again on all lakes so worth mentioning the top 5.

Top honours on the day went to Lee Coomber , Paul Ready and Stu Thornton all winning their lakes and picking up 1 series point a piece.



1st Paul Ready 77lb 11oz P19

2nd Chris Cooper 68lb 8oz P10

3rd Rob Hewison 67lb P11

4th Scott Webster 66lb 1oz P8

5th Matt Pope 59lb 1oz P4


1st Lee Coomber 101lb 2oz P26

2nd Richard Baker 94lb 3oz P32

3rd Gary Mallett 90lb 7oz P28

4th Simon Newman 76lb 4oz P22

5th Bob Nudd 59lb 4oz P37


1st Stu Thornton 71lb 12oz P43

2nd Trevor Dodson 59lb 4oz P48

3rd Graham Kettle 57lb 10oz P40

4th Jim Barroman 54lb 1oz P39

5th Stu Bradford 43lb 3oz P49

Fantastic weights again given the cold conditions, well done all.

Individual Winter League 2022/23


With a drop in temperature it was back to a cold days fishing for the 28 anglers booked in today.

With the water temperature only just above 7 degrees it was a fair drop from last weeks 8.5 and there were series points to score with this being penultimate match in the winter series.

Top weight on the day and well done to Ian Rollett bagging up on the F1’s again on the Canal.

Great to see that young man William Hughes taking top honours on Silvers and another great performance from Stu Bradford bagging up carp and F1’s on Silvers.

All lakes fished really well again despite the drop in temperature, with close matches all round.


1st Stu Bradford 76lb 12oz, Peg 4

2nd Matty Knott 73lb 10oz, Peg 19

3rd Lee Coomber 60lb 5oz, Peg 2


1st Ian Rollett 86lb 14oz, Peg 22

2nd Jim Barroman 70lb 8oz, Peg 26

3rd Mick Threadkell-Brown, 58lb, Peg 31


1st William Hughes 56lb 8oz Peg 45

2nd Chris Cooper 50lb 6oz Peg 39

3rd Paul Ready 49lb 3oz Peg 48

Once again we’ll done all and see you again next week for the last of the winter series matches.

Individual Winter League 2022/23


Loving this mild weather on match days, although the cold spell mid week did drop the water temperature, which was reading 6.5 degrees this morning.

27 booked in for todays open across all lakes and there were winter series points up for grabs for 20 of them.

Willow had a slower start but the Canal and Silvers got off to a flyer.

Top honours today went to Scott Webster taking the Canal win and the top weight across all lakes. Also well done to Stu Bradford on Willow and Ian Boden on Silvers.


1st Stu Bradford 44lb 15oz Peg 10

2nd Brown Trout 34lb 8oz Peg 6

3rd Daren Mallett 33lb 10oz Peg 8


1st Scott Webster 80lb 15oz Peg 26

2nd Mark Pollard 66lb 14oz Peg 29

3rd Bob Nudd 50lb 6oz Peg 22


1st Ian Boden 42lb 11oz Peg 46

2nd Graham Kettle 42lb 10oz Peg 39

3rd Stu Thornton 40lb 2oz Peg 51

Well done all and see you again soon

Individual Winter League 2022/23


With yet another frost last night we arrived to a very thin layer of ice , but nothing that warranted ice breakers and it soon cleared.

We had 28 anglers today who were all up for a good match and with today also being one of our winter series matches there were points up for grabs.

All in and the bites started early on Willow and the Canal with Silvers not far behind.

Good to see the Ide on the feed again and again several F1 showing up.

Well done and top honours went to Lee Coomber, Steve Clark and John Self all picking up their lake wins.


1st John Self 29lb 6oz Peg 4

2nd Andy Page 19lb 1oz Peg 8

3rd Matty Knott 18lb 3oz Peg 2


1st Lee Coomber 46lb 3oz Peg 26

2nd Ian Boden 39lb 3oz P22

3rd Jason Zenith 21lb 15oz Peg 35


1st Steve Clark 30lb 4oz Peg 43

2nd Daren Mallet 30lb 2oz Peg 40

3rd Stu Thornton 26lb 13oz Peg 49

Well done all framers, see you again soon

Individual Winter League 2022/23


Open match to include series points today and it was once again a cold start.

Despite all efforts through the week to keep the lakes clear of ice we were fighting a losing battle . However with everyone keen to fish we cleared the pegs required and the match was on.

With a warm day ahead and no rain or wind everyone was well up for a challenging day of winter fishing.

Well done Scotty running away with it on the canal and Gary getting of to a decent start on Willow.

Lee and Bob drew the favoured pegs on silver and sitting next to each other it was a well fought match seeing them both catching alternate Ide.


1st Scott Webster 24lb Peg 31

2nd Stu Thornton 7lb Peg 37


1st Gary Mallett 16lb 5oz Peg 2

2nd Ian Boden 11lb 13oz Peg 10


1st Lee Coomber 26lb 5oz Peg 40

2nd Bob Nudd 24lb 10oz Peg 39

Well done to all who braved it out on a true winter match with ice and all.

Individual Winter League 2022/23


22 anglers turned up to yet another wet and windy day, which was going to cause presentation problems from the start.

The fish were showing and on the feed but seeing a bite was almost impossible for most. But everyone stuck at it as there were series points up for grabs.


1st Steve Duffield 44lb 14oz Peg 8

2nd Andy Page 39lb 9oz Peg 10

3rd Ian Rollett 19lb 9oz Peg 19


1st Scott Webster 51lb 3oz Peg 28

2nd Gary Mallett 34lb 14oz Peg 37

3rd Daren Mallett 34lb 2oz Peg 31


1st Adie Hindry 37lb 15oz Peg 39

2nd Bob Nudd 19lb 2oz Peg 49

3rd Colin Dance 13lb 2oz Peg 40

Well done to all framers , see you again soon

Individual Winter League 2022/23


Saturday open at Meadow Farm Cottages and another solid turn out with 27 anglers all in for an open draw across all three lakes. This match was also one of the winter series matches so plenty fishing for points today!!

Another wet start but the light rain did clear out shortly after the draw. Plenty of rain during the week again though which has left Willow gin clear but both canals holding on to some colour.

First a shout out to the in form Wayne Anderson weighing in yet another 100lb and taking the win on silvers.

Well done Andy Page taking the win on canal beating Lee Coomber by 5oz and into second place. Always good to see Bob Nudd also getting in the frame.

Well done John Dale taking the win on Willow which proved to be a very challenging match for most.


1st John Dale 30lb 12oz, Peg 19

2nd Mark Pollard 26lb 13oz, Peg 6

3rd Jim Barroman 19lb 7oz, Peg 17


1st Andy Page 43lb 13oz, Peg 29

2nd Lee Coomber 43lb 8oz, Peg 37

3rd Bob Nudd 32lb 1oz, Peg 23



1st Wayne Anderson 100lb 3oz, Peg 39

2nd Keith Ashley 28lb 9oz, Peg 49

3rd Colin Dance 26lb 3oz, Peg 51

Individual Winter League 2022/23


19th Nov was the second open match across all lakes of the 14 match winter series.

Once again it was a close and well contested match between the guys signed up. And then there was a certain Mr Anderson who went rogue and had a good go at emptying Willow.

Top tactics and great angling from Lee Coomber, Stu Thornton and Paul Ready who all scored a point a piece today for the series.


1st Wayne Anderson 121lb 7oz, Peg 10

2nd Lee Coomber 53lb 4oz, Peg 8

3rd Jason Zentih 45lb 11oz, Peg 19


1st Stu Thornton 49lb 6oz, Peg 32

2nd Mark Pollard 45lb 5oz, Peg 26

3rd Ian Rollett 44lb 8oz, Peg 22


1st Paul Ready 84lb, Peg 39

2nd Jim Barroman 65lb 14oz, Peg 43

3rd Daren Mallett 61lb 8oz, Peg 40

Well done to all who fished today, looks like winter is closing in on us now!!

Winter League 2022/2023 (Individual Anglers) Week by Week Results

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