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Winter League 2022/2023 (Team Series)

With the final match of the teams of 3 winter league completed it was time to bring to a close what was a very successful (if not chilly at times) competition.


Well done to all to participated but as they say there always has to be a winner with the final overall positions being….

1st Lee Coomber, Matthew Crowe and Simon Parker with 25 points & 885lb

2nd Brown Trout, Stuart Thornton and Stuart Bradford with 32 points & 716lb

3rd Graham Kettle, Gary Mallett and Daren Mallett with 35 points & 839lb

Many congratulations to the winning teams but also well done and thanks to all the teams that entered and fished so well!!!

Saturday 11th March, Round six winter league results.

After the snow and ice through the week we expected it to be a tougher day today and it did look that way at the start. But it wasn’t long before the odd bite started and then the sun came through and it really switched on.

Top honours, lake and section wins on the day went to:


Lake - Richard Baker 57lb 5oz P10

Sec - Lee Coomber 54lb 8oz P19

Sec - Jim Barroman 53lb P2

Sec - John Dale 32lb 8oz P11



Lake - Graham Kettle 100lb 1oz P22

Sec - Paul Ready 73lb 15oz P23

Sec - Brown Trout 79lb 8oz P28

Sec - Simon Parker 89lb 1oz P32



Lake - Matthew Crowe 70lb 10oz P39

Sec - Gary Mallett 64lb 11oz P42

Sec - Ian Boden 49lb 6oz P46

Sec - Andrew Dearing 61lb 1oz P48

Again some really strong results for this time of the year and the freezing conditions and good to see all sections fishing well and producing another close match.

Today (26/02/2023) was round 5 of the Meadow Farm cottages teams of three winter league.

The sun was shining and the fish were topping, after yesterdays open results we were expecting some better weights today as the conditions were very good.

Well all lakes didn’t disappoint as bites came from the off and didn’t really let up.

Even though it’s a team match there were some outstanding individual results worth a mention...

Lake and section wins.


Gary Mallett 113lb 10oz, Peg19


Pete Mason 48lb 1oz, Peg17

Lee Coomber 79lb 13oz, Peg2

Jason G 47lb 9oz, Peg10


John Dale 99lb 12oz, Peg22


Ian Boden 87lb 14oz, Peg23

Brown Trout 91lb 13oz, Peg31

Simon Parker 76lb 2oz, Peg32


Andy Page 79lb 12oz, Peg45


Matthew Crowe 53lb 2oz, Peg49

Thomas Moretti 61lb 15oz, Peg40

Stu Bradford 40lb 15oz, Peg45

With one round left to go it’s Team Coomber leading the way with 22 points .

Second place Team Brown Trout 26 points. Third Team kettle 29 points.

See you all on 11th March for the final round .

Today (29th Jan 2023) was round 3 of the teams of three winter league and again the weather was on our side with a dry relatively calm day.

We started the day with team Kettle in first place with team Coomber and team Trout not far behind. In fairness it’s still tight through all teams, so all to play for.

Well done Dave Trautner, Trevor Dodson and Colin dance all taking lake wins.

Well done Lee Coomber, Steve Clark, Jason G, Andy Page, Paul Ready, Stu Bradford, Simon Parker, Dossina & John Dale all taking section wins.


1st Brown Trout 35lb 12oz Peg4

Sec Dossina 28lb 10oz Peg8

Sec John Dale 22lb 1oz Peg19

Sec Simon Parker 15lb 12oz Peg6


1st Trevor Dodson 46lb Peg29

Sec Stu Bradford 32lb 9oz Peg32

Sec Andy Page 30lb 3oz Peg26

Sec Paul Ready 12lb 1oz Peg31


1st Colin Dance 32lb 10oz Peg42

Sec Steve Clark 30lb 2oz Peg39

Sec Lee Coomber 25lb 6oz Peg43

Sec Jason G 15lb 3oz Peg51

Well again to all anglers on another close match, any team can still win it.

Round two (15th Jan) of the teams of three winter league:

Lake Winners:

Canal... Lee Coomber 45lb 03oz, Peg 22

Willow...Graham Kettle 99lb 02oz, Peg 19

Silvers...Gary Mallett 22lb, Peg 39

Section Winners

Richard BakerAndy PageBrown TroutSteve ClarkMatthew CroweStuart BradfordStuart ThorntonMarv PriceWilliam Hughes.

Well done everybody who fished on a very windy day

Round two (18th Dec) - Cancelled due to frozen lakes.

Round one (20th Nov) of the teams of three winter league kicked off today.

Weather wise it was damp and windy making presentation for some difficult, but as always the spirits were high and everyone was up for it.

Once again some really close and well contested sections and well done to the lake winners today all picking up a

perfect score:

Gary Mallett 78lb 14oz Willow.

Stu Thornton 65lb 6oz Canal

Paul Ready 79lb 13oz Silvers

Also well done to Matthew Crowe 56lb 11oz, Wayne Anderson 62lb 4oz, Daren Mallett 42lb 10oz, John Dale 39lb 6oz, Chris Cooper 31lb 1oz and Colin Dance 32lb 10oz all taking section wins and again a perfect score.


Well done all today on a challenging day, Team scores to follow.

Coming Soon

Winter League 2022/2023 (Team Series) Week by Week Results

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Winter League 2022/2023 (Team Series/Individual Performance)

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